8 Ways to Revive a Dull Job
We all realize that God gave us a responsibility to care for the natural resources of the earth. But, what about the natural resources with which God has blessed you? In the parable of the talents, Jesus tells us that we have a responsibility to invest God’s gifts/talents for the purpose of growing his kingdom. (Mt 25:14) Often, we bury our talents by choosing to take the safe path, settle into a comfortable job and look out for number one. Sure, we may not be doing anything wrong, but are we really doing anything to grow God’s kingdom?
This idea may be scary to some, because it implies that you need to do something bold – such as leaving the security of your current job to do something you feel called to. Then again, it simply may mean using your gifts more effectively where you are now. In either case, there is risk involved. You might have to step out of your comfort zone to invest and multiply your gifts.
Don’t tell me you are not gifted. If we look to 1 Corinthians, chapter 12, we see the many different ways we may be called to serve the church. Remember, the church is more than just the four walls of a building, or an organization. It’s out there in the world, in our work places, because the church is the people of God.
Eight new job descriptions – Be...
an apostle - Do I feel compelled to share my faith publicly?
a prophet - Do I have the personality to stand up for what is right?
a teacher - Do I have a knack for helping others learn?
a miracle worker - We all do this every day – right?
a healer - Do I have a good sense of humor that can heal spirits?
a helper - I don’t have to be in charge, I’m content simply lending a hand.
an administrator - Am I a good organizer who keeps the company going?
a good communicator - Do I listen to others and do they listen to me?
Often we think we don’t make a difference because we haven’t done something grand. We think we just have a humdrum job. But stop for a moment and consider the positive difference you can make in others’ lives each day simply by investing your gift. This is what gives you purpose. This is growing God’s kingdom.