Good Life

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  ¿Cómo puedo estar cerca de Dios y de los demás en este momento?
June 2022   I Just Graduated!
June 2022   ¡Me acabo de graduar!
March 2022   Restless? Uncertain?
March 2022   ¿Inquieto? ¿Incierto?
January February 2022   Should I Act On My Million-Dollar Idea?
January February 2022   ¿Debo actuar en mi idea de un millón de dólares?
December 2021   ¿Qué pasa si estás poniendo todo tu esfuerzo en una amistad?
December 2021   What if You’re Putting All the Effort Into a Friendship?
November 2021   I Moved for My Dream Job (But Now I Don’t Know Anyone…)
November 2021   Me mudé por el trabajo de mis sueños (pero ahora no conozco a nadie...)
October 2021   I’m the Only One of My Friends Still “Single”
October 2021   Soy la única de mis amigas todavía "soltera"
September 2021   Making a Fresh Start With Family Gatherings
September 2021   Haciendo un Nuevo Comienzo Con Reuniones Familiares
July August 2021   Pray for Prudence in a Hot Housing Market
July August 2021   Ore por prudencia en un mercado inmobiliario loco
June 2021   ¿Cómo puedo hacer mi parte para "cuidar nuestra casa común"?
May 2021   Keeping Your Online Presence Positive
May 2021   Mantener positiva su presencia en línea
March 2021   What’s Next? Gap Year? Community College?
January 2021   It’s So Hard to Meet People Right Now
December 2020   I Want to Give Meaningful Gifts This Year
November 2020   Where Do We Go for The Holidays?
October 2020   Dealing with Friends’ Breakups
September 2020   My Friend Owes Me Money
May 2020   How Can I Stay Close to God and One Another Right Now?
April 2020   As a graduate student, I can't keep up with my working friends
March 2020   Should We Commit to Marriage?
January February 2020   When Relatives Make Insensitive Comments
November 2019   Attracting the Person God Wants for You
October 2019   I Don’t Like my First Job Out of College – At All
September 2019   Where can I meet people?
July August 2019   Why should I register at my parish?
June 2019   How do I keep up with the lifestyles of my friends?
May 2019   I’m afraid my friend might be depressed
April 2019   Responding to negative comments about the Church
December 2018   I want to help my friend who's being bullied
October 2018   God gives us signs of his love every day
September 2018   Keeping up friendships when you’re at different life stages
July August 2018   What do you do when you have outgrown your friends?
June 2018   My first “real” boss doesn’t provide feedback
May 2018   I can’t afford to be a bridesmaid
April 2018   Can I be independent if I still live with my parents?
March 2018   I can’t keep up with the lifestyles of my friends
January February 2018   Alternative Spring Break: Fun and meaningful
December 2017   How Can I Invite Someone Back to Church at Christmas?
November 2017   When religious people make uncharitable comments
October 2017   I feel lousy after I've been on social media too long but otherwise I feel disconnected
September 2017   I want to support my friends who are having marriage troubles
July August 2017   My parents and I disagree about my college major
June 2017   Finally have money in the bank? Spend it or save it?
May 2017   It’s summertime - Do I volunteer or get a job?
March 2017   How to manage loan debt
January February 2017   Embrace your Catholic values in online dating
December 2016   Swap gift-giving for giving together
November 2016   Home for the holidays? 3 tips for juggling time with family and friends
October 2016   Catholics care. Catholics vote.
July August 2016   How do I talk to friends about faith when we disagree?
June 2016   5 Ideas to help you unplug now and then
May 2016   Planning your marriage, and the wedding
April 2016   5 ways to be a faithful Catholic consumer
March 2016   5 Tips for Discerning God's Will
January February 2016   Mission at Home
December 2015   The right gift for the right time
November 2015   5 ways to save so you can give
October 2015   5 things to look for in a future spouse
July August 2015   Powerful posting: 4 tips for healthy social media content
May 2015   Catholic and free at public university